
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjeUroki "rekrutacji" przez internet › Re: Uroki "rekrutacji" przez internet
  • Data: 2003-12-02 06:19:09
    Temat: Re: Uroki "rekrutacji" przez internet
    Od: "Nina M. Miller" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 01:41:15 +0100
    Kamil Paszkiewicz <> wrote:


    > Boję się, że jak znowu będę potrzebował coś komuś zlecić, to najpierw
    > będę musiał zatrudnić kogoś do zatrudniania, bo straciłem dzisiaj
    > sporo czasu na czytanie i usuwanie takich "kwiatków"...


    z tego wynika tylko jedno: zadna z tych osob nie testowala
    oprogramowania i nie ma nawet pojecia, na czym to polega.

    imho TWOIM bledem bylo wspomnienie w ogloszeniu o upierdliwosci.

    pozwolisz, ze zacytuje faceta, co robi w tej branzy od kilkunastu lat i
    jest naprawde niezly.

    Most testers should have:

    - they are explorers. software testers aren't afraid to venture into
    unknown situation. they love to get a new piece of software, install it
    anf play with it.

    - they are troubleshooters. s.f. are good at figuring out why something
    doesn't work. they love puzzles.

    - they are relentless. s.f. keep trying. they may see a bug that is
    quickly vanished or is difficult to re-create. rather than dismiss it as
    a fluke, they will try every way possible to find it.

    - they are creative. testing the obvious isn't sufficient for software
    testers. their job is to think up creative and even off-the-wall
    approaches to find bugs.

    - they are perfectionists. they strive for perfection, but they know
    when it becomes unattainable and they're OK with getting as close as
    they can

    - they excercise good judgement. s.f. need to make decisions about what
    they will test, how long it will take and if the problem they're looking
    at is really a bug.

    - they are tactful and diplomatic. s.f. are always the bearers of bad
    news.they have to tell programmers that their baby is ugly.

    - they are persuasive. bugs that testers find won't always be viewed as
    severe enough to be fixed.testers need to be good at making their points
    clear, demonstrating why the bug does indeed need to be fixed.

    opierajac sie na wlasnym czteroletnim doswiadczeniu jako tester i
    kierownik zespolow testujacych calkowicie zgadzam sie z jego opinia.

    szkoda, ze nie placisz za to zlecenie w dolarach, moze i bym sie
    pokusila ;)

    PS: powodzenia zycze w poszukiwaniach.

    Nina Mazur Miller

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