
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusje › Ptanko o tytul mgr
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 18

  • 11. Data: 2003-10-20 12:12:09
    Temat: Re: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: Jacek Raczko <>

    On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 14:10:41 +0200, Jacek Raczko wrote:

    > On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 11:02:44 +0200, Graff wrote:
    >> Pytanko mam nastepujace - w CV w jezyku angielskim zazwyczaj wpisywany jest
    stopien mgr. jako 'MS egree'
    >> - a jak to jest z mgr inż. ? tez tylko MS ? co to wlasciwie oznacza ?
    > ja jestem na przyklad MSEE - czyli Master of Science in Electrical
    > Engineering
    > sam inzynier to oczywiscie BSEE czyli Bachelor of Science in Electrical
    > Engineering
    > dalej jeszcze mozna specjalizacje zapodac...
    > w stanach "standardowy dyplom" to BS czy odpowiednio BA dla nauk
    > humanistycznych - MS to rzadko kto robi - jezeli juz, to od razu z BS na
    > PhD sie idzie...

    a - no i ja pisalem o MSEE i BSEE, ale analogicznie jest zdaje sie dla MSCS
    i BSCS - CS - Computer Science - czyli cos jak nasza informa

  • 12. Data: 2003-10-20 13:57:22
    Temat: Re: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: Graff <>

    aga.p napisał(a):,

    >> Pytanko mam nastepujace - w CV w jezyku angielskim zazwyczaj wpisywany
    > jest stopien mgr. jako 'MS egree' - a jak to jest z mgr inż. ? tez tylko MS
    > ? co to wlasciwie oznacza ?

    > MA - Master of Arts - mgr po kierunkach humanistycznych
    > MS, czesciej M.Sc. - Master of Science - po kierunkach scislych

    > Pisane zawsze po nazwisku.

    dzieki wszystkim za wyczerpujące za informacje ...


  • 13. Data: 2003-10-20 18:23:39
    Temat: Re: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: "Teq" <>

    Kiedy zaczynalem studia mialem podobny problem, udalo mi sie jakis czas temu
    zebrac takie informacje:

    Najnizsze stopnie naukowe to:

    B.Sc. - Bacherlor of science - licencjat, zazwyczaj w zakresie nauk scislych
    B.Phil. - Bachelor of philosophy - licencjat, zazwyczaj w zakresie nauk
    B.Arts - uzywany wymiennie z B.Phil
    B.FA - Bachelor of Fine Arts - licencjat w zakresie sztuk pieknych

    Nastepnie mamy typowe dla polski Magisterskie (opis wg Merriam Webster)

    Master of arts M.A.
    Usage: often capitalized M&A
    Date: 15th century
    1 : the recipient of a master's degree that usually signifies that the
    recipient has passed an integrated course of study in one or more of the
    humanities and sometimes has completed a thesis involving research or a
    creative project and that typically requires two years of work beyond a
    bachelor's degree
    2 : the degree making one a master of arts -- abbreviation MA, AM

    Master of science M.Sc
    Usage: often capitalized M&S
    Date: circa 1905
    1 : the recipient of a master's degree that usually signifies that the
    recipient has passed an integrated course of study in one or more of the
    sciences and sometimes has completed a thesis involving research and that
    typically requires two years of work beyond a bachelor's degree
    2 : the degree making one a master of science -- abbreviation MS, MSc

    Wg informacji uniwersytetu w Oxfordzie

    Master of Studies (M.St.)

    The M.St. is a one-year degree which offers the opportunity to specialise in
    a particular but broad area of enquiry. Candidates usually take two or three
    examination papers and submit a 10,000 to 15,000 word essay on a research
    topic approved by their Faculty Board. Candidates for the M.St. in Theology
    may specialise in Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Doctrine, Church
    History, or Ethics. Teaching for the M.St. through tutorials and seminars
    also introduces students to the skills needed for graduate research.

    Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)

    The M.Phil. is a two-year degree which involves written examination in 3 or
    4 papers and the submission of a 20,000 - 30,000 word thesis on which the
    candidate is examined orally. Teaching is again by a mix of lectures,
    classes, seminars and tutorials. In addition to the M.Phil. in Theology
    there is also an M.Phil. in Philosophical Theology.
    Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.)
    The D.Phil. is a research degree normally completed in 3 years. There are no
    preliminary examinations, but successful applicants are first accepted as
    Probationer Research Students (PRS); their progress is then assessed when
    they apply to be registered as a D.Phil. student (usually in their third or
    fourth term, depending on the advice of their supervisor). The degree is
    awarded on the basis of a 100,000 word thesis on which the student is
    examined orally. Supervisors are appointed directly by the Board of the
    Faculty of Theology.

    No i najwyzsze stopnie naukowe

    Doctor of Education Degree

    The Ed.D. degree is the highest professional degree in education. Candidates
    for this degree are recognized for their commitment to the application of
    knowledge on behalf of improved educational practice.
    The primary purpose of the Ed.D. program is to provide experienced and
    practicing educators with a broad and systematic understanding of
    professional education, a definitive knowledge of selected aspects of
    educational theory and practice, and an ability to apply in an informed and
    critical manner existing research findings to educational practice and
    Ed.D. Students must complete a minimum of 24 credits on grounds in a 15
    month period. The 24 credits cannot include credits for internship,
    independent study, practica, or dissertation. Residency must be met after
    completion of a master's degree. Basic proficiency in research methodology
    is required for the Ed.D. degree and is satisfied by the successful
    completion of two courses in educational research. Study is focused in one
    major area of specialization (15 hours) with two supporting minor areas
    consisting of 12 hours each. The emphasis of the Ed.D. dissertation is
    typically on the organization and application of knowledge and research
    methods that contribute directly to improved understanding and practice in
    the postsecondary education arena..

    Doctor of Philosophy Degree

    The Ph.D. degree is the highest scholarly degree awarded by the University.
    The primary purpose of the Ph.D. degree is to develop educational scholars
    who seek to conduct original research and interpret and communicate the
    results of such research through writing, teaching, and other media.
    Candidates for the Ph.D. degree in higher education are encouraged to
    complete all of their doctoral study in residence and a minimum period of
    two years of full-time study is expected. In addition to the required minor
    in research (15 hours), the Ph.D. student will select an additional
    supporting area of study (12-18 hours) outside the program or department.
    The focus of the Ph.D. dissertation is characterized by original research
    that seeks to extend the theoretical knowledge base of postsecondary
    education policy and practice.



  • 14. Data: 2003-10-20 21:23:38
    Temat: Re: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: "Misiek" <>

    "Jacek Raczko" <> wrote in message
    > On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 11:02:44 +0200, Graff wrote:
    > > Pytanko mam nastepujace - w CV w jezyku angielskim zazwyczaj wpisywany
    jest stopien mgr. jako 'MS egree'
    > > - a jak to jest z mgr inż. ? tez tylko MS ? co to wlasciwie oznacza ?
    > ja jestem na przyklad MSEE - czyli Master of Science in Electrical
    > Engineering

    Tez tak kiedys mialem na wizytowce, i wlasnie w USA, na lotnisku w Detroit,
    w barze Cheers, po paru piwkach, jeden Amerykanin zaczal mnie sie pytac:

    'Whata is youra name? MSEE, howya say it?'


    Teraz zostawilem samo Ph.D.


    > sam inzynier to oczywiscie BSEE czyli Bachelor of Science in Electrical
    > Engineering
    > dalej jeszcze mozna specjalizacje zapodac...
    > w stanach "standardowy dyplom" to BS czy odpowiednio BA dla nauk
    > humanistycznych - MS to rzadko kto robi - jezeli juz, to od razu z BS na
    > PhD sie idzie...

  • 15. Data: 2003-10-21 12:12:25
    Temat: Re: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: "Jerzy \(Dusk\)" < to i oba duże E)>

    "Nina M. Miller" <> napisał(a) tak:
    > a przypadkiem nie
    > B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science?

    Bachelor to odpowiednik naszego licencjata. Dostaje sie to po 3-4 latach.
    Potem trzeba kontynuowac studia, zeby miec magistra czyli MS.

    W USA Bachelor sie dzieli na dwie zasadnicze czesci:\
    BS of science i
    BS of arts

    BS of arts? to skąd S? to nie ma BA?


  • 16. Data: 2003-10-21 12:13:25
    Temat: Re: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: "Jerzy \(Dusk\)" < to i oba duże E)>

    "Graff" <> napisał(a) tak:
    > Witam
    > Pytanko mam nastepujace - w CV w jezyku angielskim zazwyczaj wpisywany
    jest stopien mgr. jako 'MS egree' - a jak to jest z mgr inż. ? tez tylko
    MS ? co to wlasciwie oznacza ?
    > Graff

    egree? degree to chyba miało być


  • 17. Data: 2003-10-21 20:43:00
    Temat: Re: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: Graff <>

    Jerzy napisał(a):,

    > egree? degree to chyba miało być
    > Jerzy

    mialo ale sie nie napisalo :)

    BTW: jak sie w jezyku angielkim oraz niemieckim pisze "praca dyplomowa o tytule:..."
    ??? Jest na to jakis utarty zwrot ?


  • 18. Data: 2003-10-23 17:28:15
    Temat: Re: Re[2]: Ptanko o tytul mgr
    Od: "" <>

    > Użytkownik "Graff" napisał

    > Dipl nie oznacza ze masz studia, podobno jesli ukonczysz dobry college to
    > tez masz taki tytul ale nie wiem niestety nic pewnego

    Diploma, przynajmniej w systemie edukacyjnym Irlandii (podobno wzorowanym na
    amerykanskim), to tytul przyznawany z reguly po 3 latach nauki, cos ponizej
    Bachelor a powyzej Certificate. Oznacza to "na nasze" takie cos ponizej


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