
PracaOferty pracy Wrocław › Big Data and Analytics Graduate - Graduate Hiring Program

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DXC Technology Polska Sp. z o.o.


Big Data and Analytics Graduate - Graduate Hiring Program

Numer referencyjny:





Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Job location: Poland (hybrid or fully remote)

We are going through a digital revolution across EMEA and being an employee at DXC means that the work you do will be at the heart of it. With more than 180 members, working in different areas - DevOps Engineers, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, Front and Backend Developers etc. we manage to provide high-quality services to our customers. We have strong traditions in Big Data and Data Analytics.
Here you will gain hands-on experience working with world-famous brands and Fortune 500 companies. We have on board over 60 senior experts willing to share with you the best practices and knowledge of the field. Learn from the best - join our Data & Analytics team!
As an Analytics Graduate, you will be able to gain knowledge of Data Warehouses, ETL, Big Data, SQL, Python, Linux, BI solutions and more. You will have the opportunity to work with on-premise, and Cloud solutions, supporting us in delivering projects and services to our clients.
At DXC, while you may start in one area of the business, we will support your involvement in a variety of projects to maximize your potential and help you move in the desired direction. With us, you will get a great opportunity to grow your career in your chosen field.
Our Graduate Hiring Program is addressed to all people having less than 18 months of experience in IT field.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

We will be glad to review your application if you have:
  • Good command of English
  • Degree in Computer Science or other related areas would be an advantage; however, we also welcome people of all educational backgrounds as long as you have an applied interest in the industry
  • Interest in data warehousing and/or Cloud technologies (Azure, AWS, GCP)
  • Attention to detail with a strong focus on accuracy, data analysis, validation, and integrity
  • Ability to write your thoughts in SQL, Python and know Linux basics
  • Good analytical and excellent problem-solving skills
  • A demonstrable interest and desire to work in technology 
  • Motivation to learn new things,
  • Ability to communicate effectively and work in a team

Firma oferuje:

Graduate Program offers you full access to our benefits system.


By joining us, you gain:
  • stable employment in an international company
  • advancement opportunities within the organization (a variety of interesting projects with the array of technologies and tools)
  • flexibility in work arrangement (hybrid or fully remote work, the home office culture is in our DNA)
  • modern and conveniently located offices in Wrocław and Warsaw
  • an onboarding buddy’s support to make you feel comfortable in our company from day one
  • substantial medical insurance package provided in cooperation with the biggest medical services provider in Poland
  • life insurance package
  • Multisport Card
  • workplace equipment to organize your home office (e.g., chair, desk, additional monitor, headset etc.)
  • unlimited access to DXC University with courses from a bunch of external partners for the best learner's experience (e.g., LinkedIn Learning, Udemy)
  • access to a foreign language learning platform
  • DXC Partner courses and certifications (Microsoft, SAP, ServiceNow, AWS, Google, Dell Technologies, IBM, Microfocus, Salesforce, Red Hat, VMware, Workday)
  • Employee Referral Program - a financial bonus for the referrer for successful candidate recommendation
  • Employee Assistance Program (providing 24/7 support for employees and their families in difficult life situations)
  • opportunity to join our numerous charity and ecology-related events organized by our CSR Team (Corporate Social Responsibility)
  • DiXi Cool activities: trips, sports and wellness events, discounts for cultural events

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-05-28

do końca oferty: 3 dni

pracodawca: DXC Technology Polska Sp. z o.o.

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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