
PracaOferty pracy Kraków › Spark Developer with Scala

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L.M. Group Poland


Spark Developer with Scala




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Spark Developer with Scala

We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 in Israel, present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.

Currently, we are looking for an Apache Spark and Scala Specialist with advanced English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients.

Spark Developer with Scala

Numer referencyjny: JAOK

Miejsce pracy: Kraków


  • Fully utilize the potential of the Spark cluster.
  • Cleanse, transform, and analyze vast amounts of raw data from various systems using Spark to deliver ready-to-use data.
  • Continuously introduce integrations and improvements.
  • Develop architecture, standards, and guidelines for a globally deployed software solution.
  • Support product management by steering the product roadmap.
  • Collaborate with the development team lead to deliver IT solutions, business analysts, and testers.
  • Ensure the delivery of a robust and sustainable solution meeting business requirements while considering user experience and ensuring compliance with organization guidelines, principles, standards, and processes.


  • Experience working on the Azure cloud platform.
  • Ability to use and improve Shell and Perl scripts.
  • Experience in the following areas:
    - Apache Spark 2.x
    - Apache Spark RDD API
    - Apache Spark SQL DataFrame API
    - Apache Spark Streaming API
    - Scala
    - Query tuning and performance optimization in Spark.
  • Integration with SQL databases Oracle, Postgres, and/or MySQL.
  • Experience working with NoSQL, DataBricks.
  • Designing, planning, and delivering solutions in an enterprise-scale environment.
  • Experience in information technology within the financial services sector, preferably in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC).

Our client offers:

  • A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.
  • Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.
  • Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.
  • Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.
  • Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.
  • Integration and cultural events for employees.
  • Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.
  • Referral bonuses for recommending employees.
  • Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-05-27

do końca oferty: 45 dni

pracodawca: L.M. Group Poland

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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