
PracaOferty pracy Warszawa › Reliability Engineer (Java, Docker, Azure)

Kto szuka:

L.M. Group Poland


Reliability Engineer (Java, Docker, Azure)




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Reliability Engineer (Java, Docker, Azure)

We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 in Israel, present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.

Currently, we are looking for a Site Reliability Engineer with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients.

Reliability Engineer (Java, Docker, Azure)

Reference number: JAOK

Workplace: Warszawa

Roles and Responsibilities

  • determine the reliability of our digital products, technology services, and the infrastructure that underpins them
  • minimize the risk and impact of failures by engineering operational improvements, such as predictive monitoring, auto scaling or self-healing
  • respond to production incidents to gain first-hand experience of operational hotspots and to identify the root causes of problems
  • collect and analyze operational data, define and monitor key metrics to identify and communicate areas for improvement
  • apply a broad range of engineering practices with a focus on reliability, from instrumentation, performance analysis, and log analytics to automated testing, deployment, and operations
  • ensure the quality, security, reliability, and compliance of our solutions by applying our digital principles and implementing both functional and non-functional requirements

Mandatory Experience and Skills:

  • ideally 5+ years of experience in an Application Support role within financial services industry
  • excellent verbal and written communication skills along with strong collaboration skills
  • experience in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tools
  • Experience of Linux OS
  • knowledge in IP networking
  • knowledge of troubleshooting Java applications
  • knowledge of application and web servers (NGINX, Apache)
  • good experience or knowledge of visualization (Docker, K8S)
  • knowledge of provisioning cloud infrastructure using Terraform
  • knowledge about cloud computing and managing cloud environments (Azure preferred)
  • knowledge about fundamentals of CI/CD

drive automation to eliminate TOIL

Our client offers:

  • A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.
  • Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.
  • Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.
  • Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.
  • Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.
  • Integration and cultural events for employees.
  • Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.
  • Referral bonuses for recommending employees.
  • Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
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data publikacji: 2024-05-30

do końca oferty: 50 dni

pracodawca: L.M. Group Poland

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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